- Search for off-campus housing
Go to off-campus housing information
- Payments
Complete all payments, e.g. rent, utility charges, etc. before vacating on-campus housing.
Notes: I-house office is open weekdays from 9am to 4pm, and closed weekends and holidays.
- City hall
File two moving reports (only one if you are staying in the same city), first to the designated city hall where you have been living (your registered address), and the other to the new designated city hall (where you are moving) to register your new address, this must be completed within 14 days. Residence card is required.
If you move to another city and have the national health insurance etc., please return them to the issuing city hall.
- Immigration
Check with the designated immigration office to confirm that your current visa status is valid for the new job.
Note: “Researcher” or “Highly Skilled Professional” visa holders, file the “Notification of the contracting organization: termination・new conclusion” and a copy of your residence card (both sides) with the designated immigration office within two weeks from the date of official RIKEN employment contract termination.
- Bank, Credit card, etc.
Notify bank or company of your new address.
Note: If you have the RIKEN corporation credit card (MUFG card), please cancel it before vacating on-campus housing.
- Postal Forwarding Service
Ask the laboratory assistant to arrange the postal forwarding service (in Japanese only) before vacating on-campus housing.
Note: Without the postal forwarding service, all incoming mail sent to your I-House address will be returned to the sender after the vacating date.
- Other Remarks
- Do not leave any personal belongings in your apartment; I-House is not responsible for personal items left in the apartment after departure.
- The resident must pay for replacement or repair of any damage and special cleaning costs (if required) due to resident negligence as determined by the I-House Staff, either before or after resident departure.
- Please check the links below for more information.
- Please return your room key(s) to the West Gate Guard Station or use one of the key drop boxes at H-Building or Nishina Lodge on check-out day.
- Do not put large and bulky items in the disposal areas, please contact building service staff; make sure garbage and recyclables are sorted and discarded properly before leaving the apartment.
Related links:- Housing Agreement
- I-House (long-term) Condition of Rental Property Checklist
- RIKEN International House Manual for long-term Residents: Rules and Guidelines
- Contacts
wiss@riken.jp or syukusya@riken.jp
Related links (intranet only):